
Saturday, July 7, 2012

Who I Really Am

Lord, tonight, may I return to more pleasant memories
days long ago
when my mind did not swirl with confusion
and the room was not crowded
only You and me, it was still
now my soul is commotion
and today, fuming
dancing like a child, crying, notice me, notice me!
validate my existence
tell me I am loved and accepted
and that you are proud of who I am
who I am is not who I was
but who I was is still in there somewhere
and, I'd like him to pop out and wave to the crowd
and let everyone know, this is who I really am
you have told me who I am
but I've found it hard to believe
I believe, please help my unbelief
I am amazed that you could see what you see
when I'm looking at me
and our views are not the same
until the day I am made whole
until the day darkness is driven from my soul
and the one you've been preparing
in the hidden, secret place
emerges from the water
though these years have been cluttered with anger
and these days have been marred by condemnation
and my soul has been wounded in brokenness
in the hidden, secret place You've been preparing a treasure
beloved Son, I long to hear
with you I am well pleased
I long for the day when they'll see
who I really am

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