
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Face to Face with God

The story of Jacob wrestling the angel, in Genesis 32, has always been one of my favorites.  Jacob, the supplanter, the deceiver, an imperfect man, has a divine encounter with God.  It’s awesome how God meets with us in the midst of our own struggling and striving.  I believe His desire is that we would be changed and transformed in His presence, no longer identified by the old nature of our flesh, but identified by the new nature of the Spirit.  God is forming a spiritual man in each one of us.

“So Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him till daybreak.” (vs. 24, NIV)  Imagine that, wrestling with God!  Certainly Jacob was aware of the divine presence before him.  Even more, he was probably deeply aware of His own imperfections and unworthiness.  We are all this way before a holy God.    

In this divine moment of destiny, aware of his own deep need, and the utter holiness of the one before him, he refuses to let go.  “I will not let You go unless You bless me!” he says. (vs. 26, NKJV)  So at that place God blesses Jacob.  He gives him a new identity.  No longer Jacob, which means “Supplanter” or “Deceiver,” but now Israel, “Prince with God.” 

Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel; for you have struggled with God and with men, and have prevailed.” (vs. 28, NKJV)  As Jacob rises from that place, he is a different man.  He has a new nature, a divine nature and a divine identity.  He says, “…I saw God face to face, and yet my life was spared.” (vs. 30) 

The story of Jacob reminds us that, despite our own sins and weaknesses, we can wrestle with God and prevail in prayer.  It reminds us that God does not reject us because of our weaknesses, but blesses us as we overcome in faith.  No longer identified by failures, we can glory in the faithfulness of God’s covenant love for us.    

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