
Saturday, October 17, 2015

Leave No Page Unturned

Have you ever started a book and not finished it?  So have I.  I have finished many good books.  Finishing a book provides a sense of accomplishment.  But what if you got to the end of your life, but didn’t really finish it?

Psalm 139:16 says,
“Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed.
And in Your book they all were written,
The days fashioned for me,
When as yet there were none of them.”

It’s a pretty awesome thought - God saw all your days before you did.  He saw the good days and the bad days.  He saw the moments of joy and the seasons of heartache.  He saw every hurt and every happiness.

God foresees, but I believe we have to walk into His purpose by faith.  In other words, we don’t fulfill God’s plan for our lives passively.  We fulfill God’s purpose by actively pursuing it.

I am determined to finish my life.  I don’t want to leave anything undone that God has called me to do.  I don’t want to leave a page unturned or not read.  I don’t want to miss out on anything God has for me.  I want my life to count for eternity.    

In 2011 I was in a missions trip in Honduras.  During one of our prayer times, my friend Daniel Harmsen gave me a prophetic word.  He said, “You’re a writer and you turn pages.  The Lord is turning a new page in your life.  The page he’s turning is not a blank page.  It’s already scripted.  You need to let go of the past.  All is new in Christ.  God is doing a new thing.”

Sometimes we go through seasons where we question God’s purpose.  We’re may feel stuck, or feel like God is not leading, or have no clear direction for the future.  He may have us in a season of waiting like Joseph in the dungeon; He is preparing us for greater things.  But when God says move, it’s time to move forward.  God does have a clear direction.  He has a definitive purpose.  It is well-scripted.  It may begin with a step of obedience, a step into the unknown.  But the story is good if we will step out into it.

A little over a year after Daniel gave me that word God began to make some major changes in my life (in November, 2012).  It began with a promotion, a marriage, and a move to a different state.  My story has not been easy, but it has been good.  I’m exciting about the great things that God has in store for us in the future.

You can possess all that God has for you, but you must enter into it by faith.  You may need to let go of some things from the past, but you can do it!  As you seek Him, He will bring healing.  He makes all things new in Christ.  God wants to lead you into a new day in Him.  Leave no page unturned!    


Prayer Equals Peace

“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow...