I see the morning star rising in the east
the darkness is over and love is in the air
with the breaking of the dawn
my heart is breaking
the pain is fleeing
the fountain is flowing deep and wide within my soul
my hope is in heaven
the home which awaits me there
though I long for that place, where all pain will flee away
I know I must be here
I see people sitting and waiting
and wonder what thoughts are being pondered
what feelings are swimming in their souls
I can hear their cries, rising, rising
rising up to heaven
and with a tear I ponder
what hope they have and if each one knows
the lustrous colors
of the city
jump out and swirl
in anxious seeking
each color cries…
don’t leave me to
wander in demitint
don’t leave me alone
please don’t abandon
me, without a home
but let me fly to
let me break forth
in freedom
let my spirit
flutter like a butterfly in the wind
soar like an eagle
in the firmament
break me Lord, break
my heart
break my heart for
what breaks yours
mi amor
may we find peace
and solace
with every fervent sunset
with every morning
that, with passion, breaks forth
may there always be
a fire burning in the evening
may there always be
a glowing of the heart
may every morning bring
and when the journey
we will have known
and made Him known
in every way we can
bright and morning Star
offspring of David
You’ve given us a
prophetic word so sure
yet darkness covers
and sometimes we
cannot see
You said, the night
was over
but sometimes we wonder
if we’ll ever pass into the light
confirm Your promise
with Holy manifestation
make the morning
star arise in our hearts
we want to see You
we long to see You
to see Your bright
and shining face
replace our shadows
and make us free
burst forth from our
mighty wind, remove
the clouds
so we can see the
Morning Star